Community Engagement and Advocacy
What WE DO
Health equity requires community-centered action and policy, systems, and environmental changes that improve quality of life and access to healthy choices for communities that have been historically disinvested.
Our CEA promotores work with low-income, immigrant residents to activate community leadership and increase awareness about the social determinants of health, equity, and decision-making processes that affect the community. They facilitate opportunities for residents to shape and lead community improvement projects, policy advocacy, and integrated voter engagement campaigns. Through these initiatives, residents become more civically engaged and participate in tables where decisions are made about their health. CEA’s advocacy work has included equitable community-driven development, housing justice, open space, restorative justice, investing in youth, immigrant rights, redistricting, and active transportation.
Most recently, CEA co-leads tenant rights campaigns focusing on policies that provide low-income immigrant families protection from displacement and affordable housing options... CEA also connects families with the City of Santa Ana’s CARES for Tenants Emergency Rental Assistance Program.
For inquiries contact Laura Pantoja at Ceaprogram@latinohealthaccess.org or
(714) 257-5531