Programmatic and Operational Leadership
Josefina Jimenez
Promotora Coordinator, Emotional Wellness
Josefina has been working at Latino Health Access (LHA) for eleven years. Her journey began as a participant in the Self-Help groups in 2005 and then volunteered for four years. Fast forward to today and after much training in Domestic Violence, Human Trafficking, and Case Management in Narrative Therapy, she is now the Emotional Wellness Coordinator.
The team’s focus is to honor the trust and confidentiality of each of our participant’s beautiful and resilient stories. She uses resources to support situations produced by traumatic events and to make them more bearable. Some of these include system navigation, one on one, and self-help groups.
Josefina has been a long-term twenty-three-year resident of the city of Santa Ana. She studied a career in the Textile Industry at Colegio Cetis 9, Mexico City. In that industry, Josefina experienced extreme drawbacks of injustice and unfairness in our systems there and here in the US. She became involved in justice activism, which led her to where she is today.
Josefina is usually found on road trips- it gives her the opportunity not only to unplug and think, but also generates space to interact with nature, culture, and people.
Colegio Cetis 9, Mexico City